Flexbug Workout Logger

4.2 ( 9932 ratings )
라이프 스타일 건강 및 피트 니스
개발자: F.I. Pardo
0.99 USD

Flexbug lets you easily log your workouts with both our intuitive visual UI, or our unique, incredibly simple, voice interface.

✓ Voice interface lets you log your workouts by speaking into the microphone.

✓ Clean and intuitive UI lets you effortlessly log workouts with or without the voice interface.

✓ Seamlessly backs up your workout history and syncs across iOS devices.

✓ Informative graphs give you all the details you need to effectively monitor your progress.

✓ 300+ exercises with animated guides and text descriptions.

✓ Optional rest timer automatically alerts you when its time to do your next set.

✓ Integrates with iTunes, letting you skip tracks you dont want to hear by simply saying "Skip track".

✓ Lets you log supersets with your voice, or with the tap of a button.

✓ Allows you to save and reuse exercise routines.

✓ Lock screen button ensures that the app isnt interrupted.

✓ Auto classifies workouts when completed.

✓ Voice interface works with stereo headset microphone (recommended), a bluetooth headset, or with the devices built-in microphone.

✓ Multiple accounts supported.